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APWO established in 1989, at the beginning Afghanistan needs only relief operation for delivery of services to the person of concern, desperate and vulnerable people, slowly situations shifted to settlement of returnees and internal displaced people (IDP), service delivery to the common population in different fields, the main thematic areas for APWO are:

1. Relief operations;

2. Provision of shelter to returnees as well as internal displaced people (IDPs);

3. Food Security;

4. Agriculture and Irrigation;

5. WASH;

6. Education and Health;

7. Environmental protection; and

8. Disaster Risk Response.

9. Construction.

1. Relief Operation

Relief operation have been conducted in different affected areas for affected people, APWO has experience in conducting such kind of projects from the very beginning of its establishment to people in different parts of the country, Fact Sheet shows relief operation projects implemented by APWO.

2. Provision of shelter to returnees as well as IDP’S

IDPs are the people compelled due to different reasons to leave the area of their residency to other relatively safe areas. APWO implemented a large number of this kind of projects, gave treat to the people of concerns in the form of immigrants. water, food, school, clinics and other necessities must be provided to them.

3. Food Security

In this type of projects, the worker is given food for work such as wheat, rice, oil...etc. On the one hand to provide jobs for people and on the other hand take part in the development of its living environment.

4. Agriculture and Irrigation


APWO implemented agriculture projects in different provinces, from one side agriculture system was improved from the other side job was created to some farmers.

These projects were focused on two fields:

1. Seed multiplication: in this type of project modified seed were introduced to farmers.

2. Nursery: in this type of project planting seeding of different trees, after one- or two-year’s improved trees were distributed to the peasants.


In these type of projects water is provided for agriculture lands. This water is obtained by making Dams. So that people in different areas can have water on their land to have corps through agriculture until agriculture develop in the areas. APWO provided water for irrigation in different provinces


Clean water, basic toilets and good hygiene practices are essential to the survival and development of human being. Afghan Public Welfare Organization Implemented Projects through which Clean water sources has been provided to most needy people. Sample of this type of projects are focused in fact sheet.

6. Education and Health

All children have the right to go to school and learn, regardless of who they are, where they live or how much money their family has.

Quality learning requires a safe, friendly environment, qualified and motivated teachers, and instruction in languages students can understand. It also requires that learning outcomes be monitored and feed back into instruction, as well as in health sector Despite the scale of the challenge, solutions are in sight. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires a global shift from treating diseases to strengthening health systems so that all children, adolescents and women of reproductive age have access to affordable, quality health care.

7. Environmental Protection

Preserving the environment is an important principle for human life. Because we take an important step in this regard. We are required to take action to improve our environment and that we have to get rid of pollution and toxic waste from our environment. Plant trees and block biological materials in our environment. In this regard, we have carried out two projects in Wardak province, provincial capital Maidan Shahar, fact sheet reflected on these two projects.

8. Disaster Risk Management

Disaster risk management is the application of disaster risk reduction policies and strategies to prevent new disaster risk, reduce existing disaster risk and manage residual risk, contributing to the strengthening of resilience and reduction of disaster losses. Disasters hurt the poor and vulnerable the most. The program supports community-led projects including solar-powered water pumps, ensuring residents can access clean drinking water close to their homes.

9. Construction

Clean water, basic toilets and good hygiene practices are essential to the survival and development of human being. Afghan Public Welfare Organization Implemented Projects through which Clean water sources has been provided to most needy people. Sample of this type of projects are focused in fact sheet.